Saturday, August 27, 2011


My head is throbbing like I have a suuuuper bad headache. Throughout the last two days ive: I pulled a muscle in my neck, broke a pinky toe, gashed the other pinky toe, scratched my hip, got my eye all swollen for god knows what reason, and have been non-stop eating. I've gained like at least 5 pounds and I feel like hell. I want to go to the gym but with this damn hurricane, and physical injuries i know it's not a good idea. Hopefully by Monday I can go. School starts thursday. Fuck my life im screwed, fat and in pain. I hope you guys are all in one piece unlike me. <3 I'll update whenever I can. Hopefully I can lose weight :(


  1. It sounds like have been totally accident prone lately! But karma's law says that you're about to see a lot of good. All the negative energy has to balance out somehow. I hope you lose the 5 pounds and start healing physically ASAP!

  2. Goodness, I hope you get better soon. Lots of rest is needed, don't go to the gym until you're healed, otherwise it might get worse.

    Things will get better soon, they always do.

  3. I hope you feel better asap! Try to take it easy for now to make sure your injuries dont get any worse. I hope things start to look up for you! xx
