Monday, August 29, 2011

Comment Responses!

Im Never Enough post (might be repeats but im too tired to care):

Neeska: Thank you so much and I really hope your right about other guys out there. Being alone has really started getting to me lately and i'm falling back to T even though he's never totally there for me no matter if I look good or not.

Christina: I hope your right and thanks for commenting <3

Shattered Soul: Your comment was so sweet <3 I guess i'm not alone but damn it feels like it sometimes

Update! post:

Neeska: Your comments always enlighten me and I totally agree. Like guys can go around fucking random girls and its no big deal but a girl does it with like 3 guys and shes a slut.. like wtf? Although the saying is 'If a key can open a bunch of locks it's a master key, If a lock is opened by a bunch of keys it's a shitty lock' And thats totally how people think of it so fuck them, I will do whoever I feel like, whenever I want :) They can suck my dick.

Jen :) : Thanks for your well wishes. We are all safe.. just some crumbling road edges but nothing too big to worry about

Ugh. post:

Rachel: I'm hoping because i'm falling to pieces! Any more of this bad karma and i'm going to end up paralyzed or dismembered lol

Christina: I suppose your right but it still sucks. Maybe I should considering wrapping up in bubble wrap and laying in bed for a day :)

To everybody: Thanks for following/reading/commenting on my blog. I love you guys and your support means the world to me :)

1 comment:

  1. O MY GOD!!! Your response to my comment just had me dying from laughter! I love it! Guys think they can walk on water, whatEVER! And there is someone special out there waiting for you. I promise.
