Hello Ladies I miss you so much :) even though i posted yesterday im feeling rather alone. W and I are still talking and everythings going well. T texted me and we talked normally or whatever. I ate okayish today. I like W a lot and im so excited at the potential but I still don't get the smiley butterflies like with T. I almost feel like he ruined love for me. I loved him and he took that from me now im not capable of loving others? I have no clue. I hope he comes and sees me on my birthday. I really hope hes not with anybody :l I'm in a strange mood. I'm sick to my stummy and I have a sore throat. I want a guy to hug and hold and I want T to miss me. Sleep well ladies <3 I might post later, might not. I really dont know anymore.
I feel like a vase. You know the vase somebody once valued more then life, the vase somebody loved to death and spent all their efforts protecting it. Then one day they get a new, thinner better vase and care about it more. Eventually I, the old vase break since nothings protecting me and somebody else comes along and glues me back. Im still not as good as I used to be but nobody can fix me back to my original condtion.
All the glue and tape in the world couldn't make me whole again. </3
what an amazing analogy! I totally feel like ill never be complete like i used to be... maybe its just depression or something, but i honestly feel that way. i hope everything works out with W (as long as you want it to!). GET BETTER SOON! <3