Monday, August 15, 2011


So hello lovely people. I'm sorry about the lack of any posting yesterday. I was on and commenting on some blogs but just as I was about to post you'll never guess what happened. HE TEXTED ME! Okay so I understand me constantly saying he will be confusing so I'm going to call him T. So yeah T texted me (hes the 2 year relationship). After him calling me 2 days ago and talking about his new girl (It was on a post so I wont go into detals all over)  I was surprised that he would even text me. He wanted to skype so we did which turned into a magnificent 5 hour ordeal and ended with him in love with me and me in love with him.. all oevr again.

I understand its happened time and time again and I should probably know better but for some reason hes my life and we cant function properly without each other. So the he divulged something interesting, hes hanging out with her today. yeahhhh..
I'm not mad about it because I know nothing will become of them since I have him totally wrapped around my finger all over again :) I'm just so happy.

I haven't smiled this much like ever. Dreams do come true ;)

But yeha I just want to add in how cute he was when he was talking about me. I said theres a chance we could make things work and then he crossed his fingers ;) and yeah he basically told me he feels bad for the other girl because now theres no way she will ever measure up to me. So cute :)

Im in love and it will have a happy ending. :) <3


  1. Sounds lovely. I'm happy for you. :-)

  2. Thanks so much! :) Finally I get what i've been dreaming for. I just hope it continues :)

  3. omg im so happy for you! I mean, protect yourself, but it sounds like you two really like each other. Its so cute what he said, youre a lucky girl ;)
